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Write a Planning Objection

Ridley Road is under threat from developers. With revised plans being consulted this February 2020 until 1st November 2020!


Ridley Road is a unique and thriving market that not only serves the community in the heart of Hackney, but also embodies a true celebration of diversity, spirit and independence in the borough.


At this very moment, a planning application for the largest building on the market (The Ridley Road Shopping Village) is in consultation with the council. The proposed development, if given planning permission, will carve into the incredible, yet fragile economic and social ecosystem of the market. It’s special social character will be lost forever! 


The development is based around unaffordable high-end apartments, office space and retail units that will divide the street, destroying its unique character. The irreversible knock-on effect will be the development of all the other buildings on the street. 


As of December 2019, the Ridley Road Shopping Village is defined by Hackney Council as an Asset of Community Value recognizing the cultural and social uses of the building as an asset to community, community interest & social wellbeing.The proposed development would completely undermine its existing uses as an affordable retail outlet and artists’ studio space and its significance as a social and cultural space for the local community promoting community cohesion and wellbeing.


This development isn’t inevitable! 


With alternative investment, this building is perfectly poised to serve real community interests and support the market, at the heart of Hackney.


You can help stop this development and protect the market’s unique heritage.


Please take a few minutes to submit a planning objection!


All objections count!



until 1st November or send comments by email : 

Quoting the planning reference: 2017/2897 and the address: 51-63 Ridley Road London E8 2NP.






Here are some ideas that you might wish to cover in your objection:








Here are some ideas that you might wish to cover in your objection:





Change of use / Loss of Storage Facilities for Market Traders:

  • A loss of 50% of storage facilities.

  • Loss of storage for barrows.

  • Contradicts council policy: “to protect and promote” Ridley Road market.

  • Traders will have to use commercial vehicles, to bring stock to market, increasing congestion and air pollution.

  • Harms the traders’ ability to operate.

Impact to communities.

  • displace black and minority ethnic businesses providing an essential service to Hackney residents.

  • Privatisation of the public space at the front of the building by landscaping. Also loss of market barrow night storage.

Reducing the Units in the shopping village from 60 to 20:

  • Shop units will no longer be affordable for small independent traders.

  • Shop units will not be re-provided.

  • The variety of goods will be reduced.

  • Threat to unique ethnic businesses. 

  • Loss of entrepreneurial opportunities.

Loss of Studio Space for 60 artists and designers:

  • Unaffordable office space will replace Studios.

  • Studio space will not be replaced.

  • Against The Mayor of London’s aim to support the creative industries.


5 new Luxury penthouse apartments:

  • We don’t need more unaffordable homes.

  • Evidence is needed for the provision of social rented housing.

  • Socially divisive in an area specifically catering for low income groups.

#saveridleyroad © 2022


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